The Yard – East Flatbush Family Enrichment Center

The Yard - East Flatbush Family Enrichment Center

Children, youth, & families
East Flatbush, Brooklyn

Connecting Resources to the Community and the Community to Resources

The Yard – East Flatbush Family Enrichment Center (FEC) is one of 30 FECs launched by the Administration for Children’s Services in New York City. Although operated by Rising Ground, a trusted and longstanding human services nonprofit at the forefront of meeting the critical needs of New Yorkers, everything about the FEC — including the name, the physical layout, and the offerings it provides — is co-designed with families and community members.

Participation is voluntary, free, and open to all community members. At the centers, families and children can connect with neighbors, volunteer their time, participate in various events and activities, and access resources and supports they need to thrive.

The Yard began providing community offerings last year including Financial Literacy, Computer Science & Coding, and Vision Board Workshops, a Summer Youth Program, and a monthly Women’s Virtual Circle. Events have included a Community Baby Shower, Back-to-School Resource Fair, Thanksgiving Turkey & Food Giveaway, a Holiday Toy Giveaway, and more. Community members are invited to take part in bi-monthly virtual Town Hall meetings to express their ideas about what they want to see at the FEC.

View The Yard Linktree including a Community Resource Directory

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Contact us to learn more

  • 3521 Church Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11203