Therapeutic & Other Survivor Supports
- Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence & their families
- All NYC Boroughs
Helping Survivors Heal
Our intimate partner violence cadre of programs is committed to both healing for those who have been impacted by intimate partner violence and the prevention of further instances of abuse through education, advocacy, and support. We work with survivors of intimate partner violence and their families, as well as provide targeted support for criminalized survivors.
Trauma Recovery Center
- Brooklyn
Empowering Healing. Embracing Hope.
The Trauma Recovery Center (TRC) of Rising Ground aims to help victims of violent crimes overcome barriers to accessing mental health treatment, health care, and legal resources in the acute aftermath of trauma.
Support for People Who Cause Harm
- Community members who could cause harm in relationships
- Brooklyn & Bronx
Preventing Harm and Promoting Healthy Relationships
Our Respect + Responsibility program works with members of the community who wish not to cause harm in their relationships. We work with groups to examine how trauma, social structures, and stress can lead to harmful or abusive behavior and work to envision what healthy relationships can and will look like, focusing on respect and accountability.
Foster Care & Adoption
- Children up to 21 and their families
- All NYC Boroughs
Fostering Nurturing Families
Our Foster Care program focuses on giving children the safe, stable home they deserve while we repair their families. To ensure the well-being of children, we provide the services needed by the birth family. About 65% of our children safely go home again. For those who can’t, we help them create new families with adoptive parents.
Mother & Child Program
- Teen mothers in foster care & their children
- The Bronx
Supporting Young Mothers as They Become Parents
Teen mothers in foster care learn parenting skills, from diapering and bathing a baby, to how to read with their child or setting boundaries. While learning to be nurturing parents, our moms are also building the self-confidence needed to move forward in their own lives.
Preventive Services
- Families with children 0-18
- Bronx, Brooklyn & Manhattan
Building Strong, Nurturing Families
Our Preventive Services offer families facing challenges such as domestic violence, substance abuse, or mental illness the support they need to remain together. Using evidence-based models, we help families to build caring relationships and become a stronger unit that emerges stable, strong, and secure.
Fatherhood Initiative
- Non-custodial fathers
- The Bronx
Supporting Fathers to Improve Relationships With Their Children
Fathers, particularly those who do not have custody of their children, explore how to be better parents to their children and partners to the other parent, whether they are in a relationship or not. We work with fathers to explore relationships and provide life-skills and other workshops, as well as referrals to needed services.
Foundation Place: Center Based Respite
- Parents & Guardians
- Brooklyn
Respite = a short period of rest or relief from something difficult.
Foundation Place provides parents/guardians with short-term childcare services at our Brooklyn facility that offer temporary relief, improves family stability, and reduce the risk of undesirable circumstances. Respite can be planned or offered during emergencies and times of crisis.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Who attends Biondi?
- What is the Biondi experience?
Frequently Asked Questions
At the Biondi Education Center, students with learning disabilities, emotional disorders, autism, and/or other health impairments are surrounded with the academic and therapeutic support they need. Learn more about the Biondi experience.
Ames Center (Yonkers)
- Children 3-4
- Yonkers
Opening Doors to your Child’s Future
The Ames Center in Yonkers offers standard, special education, and integrated preschool classes to children to learn and grow. Creative exploration and access to a rich array of learning opportunities give them pre-literacy skills and solid self-esteem. Children have the option to participate in our extended day program, which is offered on a sliding scale fee based on family income.
Brownell School (Bronx)
- Children 3-4
- The Bronx
Overcoming Challenges to Reach Developmental Goals
The Brownell School in the Bronx offers special education preschool classes that make sure that children with special needs and developmental delays get the opportunity to learn and thrive in an environment that meets their needs. In both integrated and specialized classes, we help children progress toward their developmental goals through play, individual instruction time, and classroom activities. Occupational, physical, and speech therapy, as well as counseling are also provided.
Children’s Learning Center (Manhattan)
- Children Ages 3-4
- Manhattan
Targeted Support to Meet Special Needs
The Children’s Learning Center in upper Manhattan offers special education preschool classes that make sure that children with special needs and developmental delays get the opportunity to learn and thrive in an environment that meets their needs. In both integrated and specialized classes, we help children progress toward their developmental goals through play, individual instruction time, and classroom activities. Occupational, physical, and speech therapy, as well as counseling are also provided.
- Children Ages 18 Months to 4 years
- Bronx & Brooklyn
Helping Parents Nurture Their Children’s Success
Our ParentChild+ program empowers parents to be their children’s first and most important teacher! We bring free books and educational toys to the homes of low-income parents and help them make play a learning experience. Our home visitors show parents ways to incorporate teaching about shapes, colors, numbers, and more.
Early Head Start
- Before Birth to 3
- Bronx
Nurturing Creativity & Positive Development
Early Head Start bridges the achievement gap, so children from low-income families can start school with a solid educational foundation. We help their parents with parenting classes and access to services the family needs - from food stamps to ESL classes, from job training or healthcare.
Residential Treatment Center
- Ages 12-21
- Yonkers
Focused Support for Those Who Need It the Most
Our Residential Treatment Center provides 24-hour residential care to youth with mental-health challenges, emotional difficulties, developmental disabilities, and challenging behaviors who require intensive therapeutic and educational support. In a therapeutic setting, residents learn effective problem solving and healthy coping skills, so they can return to a less restrictive environment as quickly as possible.
Homeless & Runaway Youth Services
- Ages 16-21
- Bronx & Brooklyn & Queens
From Homeless to Hopeful
Our Transitional Independent Living (TIL) programs in the south Bronx and the Coney Island neighborhood of Brooklyn provide runaway and homeless youth, ages 16-21, with the home they need and deserve. Combining educational, therapeutic, and recreational supports in a supportive residence, we provide youth the stability and guidance so they can look toward the future.
Close To Home Placements
- 12-17
- Across NYC
Creating a Supportive Culture
In our residential programs, court-referred youth get a chance to discover the root causes of their delinquency, examine the choices they have made, and acquire the tools to make better choices. They can start down a new path, one that leads to a productive, healthy life.
Aftercare & Mentoring Programs
- 12-17
- Across NYC
Support & Vision for Moving Forward
Our aftercare and mentoring programs work with youth and their families as they leave placement or move past court involvement. Our mentoring work also works with those who are at risk of court involvement or who have engaged in delinquent behavior.
Alternatives & Prevention
- Ages 12-17
- Across NYC
Preventing Disruption in Young People’s Lives
Our alternative and prevention programs work with youth who are at risk of court involvement or who have engaged in delinquent behavior, including those who are experiencing difficulty at home because of such behaviors.
JustUs Diversion for Girls & LGBTQ+ Youth
- Ages 12-18
- Brooklyn
Addressing the Unique Needs of Girls, LGBTQ+ & GNC Youth
JustUs is a gender-responsive diversion program for girls and LGBTQ+ young people who are either involved, or at high risk of involvement, in the juvenile legal system. Our highly skilled team works with young people and their chosen support system to create and follow through with an individualized, holistic plan aimed at helping them thrive.
- Grades 6-12
- Across NYC
Promoting Healthy Relationships for Teens
Our Relationship Abuse Prevention Program (RAPP) is the nation’s largest teen dating violence prevention program. At 17 middle and high school campuses across New York City, we work with young people to help them understand healthy relationships and consent.
Early RAPP
- Grades 6-8
- Across NYC
Teaching Healthy Relationships Early On
Rising Ground's Early Relationship Abuse Prevention Program provides free and interactive prevention education to 64 NYC Public Middle Schools serving 6th-8th grade. We value evidence-based, trauma-informed, and compassionate prevention education for youth as they begin to explore different types of relationships.
Community Schools
- Grades K-8
- The Bronx
A Holistic Approach to Education
Our Community Schools create an environment where all students are encouraged to strive for excellence in a safe and supportive atmosphere. We help students and their families with challenges that teachers and school administrators don't have the capacity or tools to address – everything from on-site counseling to linkage with food stamps and medical services. Trained Social Workers who are on site at the schools daily integrate focus on academics, social services, and extended learning opportunities to improve student achievement.
Jamaica Community Partnership
- Children, youth, & families
- Jamaica, Queens
Connecting to the Community
The Jamaica Community Partnership works with community partners to ensure that every person – children, young adults, and families – in the Jamaica, Queens area have equitable access to resources and opportunities that place them on a path to an improved quality of life.
The Yard – East Flatbush Family Enrichment Center
- Children, youth, & families
- East Flatbush, Brooklyn
The Yard – East Flatbush Family Enrichment Center (FEC) is one of 30 FECs launched by the Administration for Children’s Services in New York City. Although operated by Rising Ground, a trusted and longstanding human services nonprofit at the forefront of meeting the critical needs of New Yorkers, everything about the FEC — including the name, the physical layout, and the offerings it provides — is co-designed with families and community members.
Residential Services
- Adults
- Bronx, Queens, Manhattan, Westchester
Options for Independence
Our residences help individuals achieve the greatest level of independence in their lives. Services include up to 24-hour supervision and support, assistance with household chores, life skills training, transportation training, appropriate clinical supports, recreational activities, and opportunities for residents to become an integral part of their community. For individuals who are able to achieve greater independence, we offer the opportunity to live independently in the community by ensuring that they have the specific supports they require.
Employment Support
- Adults
- Bronx, Queens, Manhattan, Westchester
Creating opportunities for work
Our Employment Supports for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities provide hands-on training to develop skills to prepare participants to enter the workplace. Once ready, we work with each person and their family to identify and connect them with meaningful opportunities to put those skills to use in a workplace, whether through supported or independent employment.
Day & Community Programs
- Children & Adults
- Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester
Expanding Horizons
People with developmental and intellectual disabilities create their own individual life plan based on what is important to them. Using this as a guide, our staff help determine what supports are needed to accomplish those goals. We offer a range of day and community-programs to help those we support create meaningful connections and gain life experience and skills.
Children’s Health Home Care Management
- Ages Birth to 21
Improving Health Care Outcomes
Our Care Management Services provide a helping hand to families with a child with serious medical or emotional/behavioral challenges. We help coordinate appointments, care, transportation, and medications, while providing guidance on community resources, other services, housing, and school-related issues.
Community Services
- Ages Birth to 21
Fostering Health Where You’re Most Comfortable
Our Community Based Services bring a wide range of mental health, behavioral health, and substance use programs to children, youth, and their families. We work with families to identify needs and create plans, bringing services to you, at home or in the community.
Health Services Clinic
- Children, adults, & families.
- Bronx
A Team Approach to Care
Health Services Clinic Copy
- Children, adults, & families.
- Bronx
A Team Approach to Care
Article 31 Mental Health Clinics
- Children, adults, & families.
- Queens
Caring Counseling Services for All
Unaccompanied Migrant Child Program
Giving Hope to Migrant Children
Unaccompanied migrant children are sheltered in a nurturing environment where they get nutritious food, clothing, and the opportunity to play and learn. We provide clinical, therapeutic, educational, and case management services, while linking them with family members or other sponsors in the United States.
Soundview Family Resource Center
- Families with Children 5 & Under
- Soundview Bronx
Strengthening Families
At Soundview Family Resource Center, parents and caregivers come together to build a community of support and provide a safety net for families facing any number of questions and challenges. Targeted for families of children under the age of 5, our goal is to ensure that parents and caregivers have the stability, support, and resources they need.