Intellectual & Developmental Disability Services
Leading Meaningful Lives
Rising Ground’s Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities Services, including both residential, day, and community-based programs, are designed to address the varying needs of the individuals we support, providing them with safe, enriching, and appropriate opportunities to participate in the world around them, and to lead full and meaningful lives.
Residential Services
- Adults
- Bronx, Queens, Manhattan, Westchester
Options for Independence
Our residences help individuals achieve the greatest level of independence in their lives. Services include up to 24-hour supervision and support, assistance with household chores, life skills training, transportation training, appropriate clinical supports, recreational activities, and opportunities for residents to become an integral part of their community. For individuals who are able to achieve greater independence, we offer the opportunity to live independently in the community by ensuring that they have the specific supports they require.
Employment Support
- Adults
- Bronx, Queens, Manhattan, Westchester
Creating opportunities for work
Our Employment Supports for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities provide hands-on training to develop skills to prepare participants to enter the workplace. Once ready, we work with each person and their family to identify and connect them with meaningful opportunities to put those skills to use in a workplace, whether through supported or independent employment.
Day & Community Programs
- Children & Adults
- Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester
Expanding Horizons
People with developmental and intellectual disabilities create their own individual life plan based on what is important to them. Using this as a guide, our staff help determine what supports are needed to accomplish those goals. We offer a range of day and community-programs to help those we support create meaningful connections and gain life experience and skills.